Research Lines
Hippocampal Contributions to Procedural Motor Learning
Investigating how the hippocampus supports the acquisition and adaptation of motor skills, emphasizing its vital role beyond declarative memory.
- The human hippocampus beyond episodic memory (2024) Della-Maggiore V. Nat Rev Neurosci.
- Human motor sequence learning drives transient changes in network topology and hippocampal connectivity early during memory consolidation (2023) Deleglise A, Donnelly-Kehoe PA, Yeffal A, Jacobacci F, Jovicich J, Amaro JE Jr, Armony JL, Doyon J, Della-Maggiore V. Cerebral Cortex.
- Rapid hippocampal plasticity supports motor sequence learning (2020) Jacobacci F, Armony JL, Yeffal, A, Lerner G, Amaro Jr E, Jovicich J, Doyon J, Della-Maggiore V. PNAS.
Biological Substrates of Neuroplasticity
Exploring the cellular changes induced by procedural motor learning in humans using non-invasive diffusion MRI to reveal the mechanisms driving brain neuroplasticity.
- Rapid hippocampal plasticity supports motor sequence learning (2020) Jacobacci F, Armony JL, Yeffal, A, Lerner G, Amaro Jr E, Jovicich J, Doyon J, Della-Maggiore V. PNAS.
- Improving spatial normalization of brain diffusion MRI to measure longitudinal changes of tissue microstructure in the cortex and white matter (2020) Jacobacci F, Jovicich J, Lerner G, Amaro Jr E, Armony JL, Doyon J, Della-Maggiore V. J Magn Reson Imaging.
Sleep as a Rehabilitation Enhancer
Assessing the potential of strategically aligning training sessions with sleep to enhance memory consolidation, with the goal of optimizing rehabilitation strategies.
- Sleep consolidation potentiates sensorimotor adaptation (2024) Solano A, Lerner G, Griffa G, Deleglise A, Caffaro P, Riquelme L, Perez-Chada D, Della-Maggiore V. Journal of Neuroscience.
- Visuomotor adaptation modulates the clustering of sleep spindles into trains (2022) Solano A, Riquelme LA, Perez-Chada D, Della-Maggiore V. Frontiers in Neuroscience.
Technological Innovations for Ambulatory Health Research and Translational Neuroscience
Developing advanced monitoring technology to enhance research and promote translational neuroscience, bridging the gap between laboratory findings and clinical practice.