


Sensorimotor adaptation benefits from consolidation
during wake and sleep
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Time course of structural neuroplasticity induced by procedural motor learning: DTI vs SANDIISMRM 2024Griffa G. et al.
Unveiling the contribution of the hippocampus to motor learningOHBM 2022Griffa G. et al.
Unveiling the contribution of the human hippocampus to procedural motor learningSAN 2022Griffa G. et al.
Tracking the functional connectivity dynamics of the hippocampus during motor sequence learning: a high-temporal resolution analysisSAN 2022Deleglise A. et al.
Consolidation of adaptation memories depends both on the passage of time and sleepSfN 2022Solano A. et al.
Motor sequence learning rapidly drives a transient state of
increased network segregation and decreased
hippocampal-somatomotor interactions in resting-state
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Anterograde interference develops from a transient reduction in error sensitivitySfN 2019Albert S., Lerner G. et al.
Sleep Consolidation of Visuomotor Adaptation: Differential effects on Memory Retention and PersistenceSfN 2019Solano A .et al.
Tracking the time course of structural plasticity in motor learning using DWI: skill learning vs adaptationOHBM 2019Jacobacci F. et al.
Improving current normalization approaches to detect longitudinal changes in gray and white matter using DTIOHBM 2018Jacobacci F. et al.
Visuomotor adaptation increases the number of spindles associated with slow oscillation during NREM sleepSfN 2018Solano A. et al.
Time course of structural plasticity induced by different types of motor learningSfN 2018Jacobacci F. et al.