
Sleep consolidation potentiates sensorimotor adaptation (2024) Solano A, Lerner G, Griffa G, Deleglise A, Caffaro P, Riquelme L, Perez-Chada D, Della-Maggiore V. Journal of Neuroscience.
The human hippocampus beyond episodic memory (2024) Della-Maggiore V. Nat Rev Neurosci.
Human motor sequence learning drives transient changes in network topology and hippocampal connectivity early during memory consolidation (2023) Deleglise A, Donnelly-Kehoe PA, Yeffal A, Jacobacci F, Jovicich J, Amaro JE Jr, Armony JL, Doyon J, Della-Maggiore V. Cerebral Cortex.
Competition between parallel sensorimotor learning systems (2022) Albert ST, Jang J, Modchalingam S, Hart M, Henriques D, Lerner G, Della-Maggiore V, Haith AM, Krakauer JW, Shadmehr R. eLife
Visuomotor adaptation modulates the clustering of sleep spindles into trains (2022) Solano A, Riquelme LA, Perez-Chada D, Della-Maggiore V. Frontiers in Neuroscience
Motor Learning Promotes the Coupling between Fast Spindles and Slow Oscillations Locally over the Contralateral Motor Network (2021) Solano A, Riquelme LA, Perez-Chada D, Della-Maggiore V. Cerebr Cortex. Online.
Rapid hippocampal plasticity supports motor sequence learning (2020) Jacobacci F, Armony JL, Yeffal, A, Lerner G, Amaro Jr E, Jovicich J, Doyon J, Della-Maggiore V. PNAS.
Improving spatial normalization of brain diffusion MRI to measure longitudinal changes of tissue microstructure in the cortex and white matter (2020) Jacobacci F, Jovicich J, Lerner G, Amaro Jr E, Armony JL, Doyon J, Della-Maggiore V. J Magn Reson Imaging.
The origins of anterograde interference in visuomotor adaptation (2020) Lerner G, Albert S, Caffaro PA, Villalta JI, Jacobacci F, Shadmehr R, Della-Maggiore V. Cereb Cortex.
Functional Evidence for Memory Stabilization in Sensorimotor Adaptation: A 24-h Resting-State fMRI Study (2015) Della-Maggiore V, Villalta JI, Kovacevic N, McIntosh AR. Cereb Cortex.
Direct mapping rather than motor prediction subserves modulation of corticospinal excitability during observation of actions in real time (2015) Gueugneau N, Mc Cabe SI, Villalta JI, Grafton ST, Della-Maggiore V. J Neurophysiol.
Suprachiasmatic vasopressin and the circadian regulation of voluntary locomotor behavior (2014) Cormier HC, Della-Maggiore V, Karatsoreos IN, Koletar MM, Ralph MR. Eur J Neurosci.
Sensorimotor Adaptation: Multiple Forms of Plasticity in Motor Circuits (2014) Della-Maggiore V, Landi SM, Villalta JI. Neuroscientist.
Effects of emotion-laden stimuli on corticospinal excitability during motor preparation (2014) Nogueira-Campos AA, Santos de Oliveira LA, Della-Maggiore V, Oliveira Esteves P, de Carvalho Rodrigues E, Domingues Vargas C. In press in PLoS One.
Feature interactions enable decoding of sensorimotor transformations for goal-directed movement (2014) Barany DA, Della-Maggiore V, Viswanathan S, Cieslak M, Grafton ST. In press in the Journal of Neuroscience.
The Relative Influence of Goal and Kinematics on Corticospinal Excitability Depends on the Information Provided to the Observer (2014) McCabe SI, Villalta JI, Saunier G, Grafton ST, Della-Maggiore V. Cerebral Cortex.
Extinction Interferes with the Retrieval of Visuomotor Memories Through a Mechanism Involving the Sensorimotor Cortex (2013) Villalta JI, Landi SM, Fló A, Della-Maggiore V. Cerebral Cortex.
fMRI supports the sensorimotor theory of motor resonance (2011) Landmann C, Landi SM, Grafton ST, Valeria Della-Maggiore. In press in PLoS ONE
One week of motor adaptation induces structural changes in primary motor cortex that predict long-term memory one year later (2011). Landi, SM, Baguear, FM, Della-Maggiore V (2011) Journal of Neuroscience
Functional imaging reveals movement preparatory activity in the vegetative state (2011), Bekinschtein TA, Manes FF, Villarreal M , Owen AM, Della-Maggiore V. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Jan 27;5:5.
Motor resonance may originate from sensorimotor experience (2010), Petroni A,  Baguear F, Della-Maggiore V ; J Neurophysiolgy. 2010 Oct;104(4):1867-71.
The rate of visuomotor adaptation correlates with cerebellar white matter integrity (2009), Della-Maggiore V, Scholz J, Johansen-Berg H and Paus T  Human Brain Mapping, Dec;30(12):4048-53.
Latin American Brain Mapping Network (LABMAN) (2009), Uludag K, Evans AC, Della-Maggiore V, Kochen S, Amaro E, Sierra O, Valdés-Hernandez P, Medina V, Valdés-Sosa P. Neuroimage; Aug 1;47(1):312-3.
Functional integration across a gradient of corticostriatal channels controls UP state transitions in the dorsal striatum (2008), Kasanetz F, Riquelme LA, Della-Maggiore V, O’Donnell P, Murer MG. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105(23):8124-9.
Integrity of white matter in the corpus callosum correlates with bimanual co-ordination skills. (2007), Johansen-Berg H, Della-Maggiore V, Smith S, Behrens TEJ, Paus T. Neuroimage.
Motor memory consolidation: Night and Day (2005), Della-Maggiore V. Journal of Neuroscience, 25(40):9067:9068.
Time course of changes in brain activity and functional  connectivity associated with long-term adaptation to a rotational transformation (2005), Della-Maggiore V, McIntosh AR. Journal of Neurophysiology, 93(4):2254-62.
Stimulation of the posterior parietal cortex interferes with arm trajectory adjustments during the learning of new dynamics (2004), Della-Maggiore V, Malfait N, Ostry D, Paus T. Journal of Neuroscience, 24(44): 9971-6.
Mechanisms of action underlying the effect of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on mood: behavioral and brain imaging studies (2004), Barrett J, Della-Maggiore V, Chouinard P, Paus T. Neuropsychopharmacology, 29(6):1172-89.
Dissecting the effect of aging on the neural substrates of memory: deterioration, preservation or functional reorganization? (2002), Della-Maggiore V, Grady CL, McIntosh AR. Reviews in the Neurosciences;13(2):167-81.
An empirical comparison of SPM preprocessing parameters to the analysis of fMRI data (2002), Della-Maggiore V, Chau W, Peres-Neto PR and McIntosh AR. Neuroimage,17:19-28.
The effect of aging on visual memory: evidence for functional reorganization of cortical networks (2001), Bennet PJ, Sekuler AB, McIntosh AR and Della-Maggiore V. Acta Psychol;107(1-3):249-73.
Corticolimbic interactions associated with performance on a short-term memory task are modified by age (2000), Della-Maggiore V, Sekuler AB, Grady CL, Bennett PJ, Sekuler R, McIntosh AR. Journal of Neuroscience. 20 (22): 8410-6.